Lichen Collection
Inspired by Small Wonders
Lichen, nature’s health barometer and a symbol of interconnected ecosystems. This year, it inspires us with a powerful lesson: reciprocity. From planning adventures to advocating for the wild places we love, our new Lichen Collection asks us to reflect on our own environment and nurture it with small, meaningful actions. Featuring designs inspired by lichen’s intricate patterns, these pieces are a reminder that small changes can lead to a big impact. Shop now and start the year connected.

Lichen Collection
Inspired by Small Wonders
Lichen, nature’s health barometer and a symbol of interconnected ecosystems. This year, it inspires us with a powerful lesson: reciprocity. Featuring designs inspired by lichen’s intricate patterns, these pieces are a reminder that small changes can lead to a big impact. Shop now and start the year connected.